Chatbots are a virtual caretaker communicating with the users in learning and development, assisting in completing their objectives. Chatbots are artificial intelligence (AI) software interacting with humans in a natural way through the text chat window. They collect the information over a period of time and the data stored enable for better customer-friendly interactions. The AI learns more about the customer and helps in providing the best customer service over the years. During the past two years in operation world over, the service has improved from a general to customized interactions reducing the human resource providing the initial information for the customer and giving more information related to the learning and product information for the customer to receive the best information and to provide a gateway for more customer to get subscribed for training and development.

Ad targeting, lead generation, and SEO are getting stronger with the use of artificial intelligence machine in the Chatbot. With more and more automation being the feature for tomorrow, it is unlikely to show the regression graph for the AI. With Chatbot application, it is interactive and integrating with the existing platforms, providing learning and development resource. Over a period of time, the chatbot has become the prerequisite for any digital platform learning centre.

Most of the training firms use chatbots considering the user-friendly interaction with 24/7 customer service providing a quick response to the queries. International research conducted in early 2020 revealed that during 43% of customers preferred chatbots rather than a customer service interaction over the phone making it the fasting growing digital marketing strategy in 2020. Another leading business research, analytics have revealed that 80% of the companies will be using chatbots by the end of 2020.

With the emergence of AI, the machine has become from a robust stimulus respondent to an interactive, customized service provider analyzing huge data and providing the best problem-solving entity. Over a period of time, they have been able to focus on the ‘thinking’ machine, analyzing with a customized deliverable. The ability to think, analyze, and solve the problem has been the feature of the machine. Moving forward the trend is to make the customer-friendly interactions even more humane and provide the service as per the requirements of the customers. The thinking ability has further been incorporated to set reminders and answer any query relating to the learning.

With the use of mobile increasing every year, the applications have been more and the usage of specific application has risen tremendously. The use of customer using instant message applications has touched 2 million people in 2018. In 2019 the mobile users have touched to 2.52 using messaging apps to communicate. The analyst feels the figure the number will touch more than three billion users in 2022.

The door to door canvas has become the word of the past. With the machines taking control for creating workflows and metrics for learning and development, the digital platform has become the hub for knowledge, learning and development. The Renaissance for automation is the new mantra where ideas and innovations are getting more preferences to get the maximum use of machines over the human. With the initial trial and error method subsequently with permutation and combination, the rise of more automation in learning and development has reliable and customer friendly. There have been a lot of brainstorming sessions with the expert with the use of AI having a lot of metadata to bring out automated tools providing the best customer friendly experiences without any human interactions.  

Over a period of time, providing the best customer service has been one of the key focus areas among all the industries. Quality has been a necessity for all the industry. Learning and development firms have been relentlessly involved in providing quality, knowledge, and giving assistance to their clients. With globalization, it became a necessity to provide assistance to all foreign customers since they fall in various time zones. In order to cater the foreign customers, 24/7 customer interactive became an inevitability for knowledge-based firms. It added reliability for the customer to stay for long. This was possible to have a machine application with the chatbot nullifying the human error in the digital platform to run smoothly. It provided the customer service with the edifice of quality and efficacy with no human error. When any customer visits the knowledge and learning platform, the ingenuity to help the customer is immediate, getting the customer’s confidence and making him at ease with the platform. Certain customisation for giving the customer a little scope of not exploring the digital platform has become less. The interaction with the customer has given him the get carried away with the features and get aquiline to the learning platform.

With no fatigue and break, the learning and knowledge-based firms have the opportunity of not missing the clients even on a holiday. The interaction is quick and day to day to basis, even if the office is closed on weekends. When the most complicated problems arise, the chatbot is able to give the message to the required team to assist the customer. The emotional shade being absent with chatbots being bias-free, the interaction of the customer being angry is very less. There are applications in the making for providing the emotional side of service. The neutrality of interaction with the customer makes him closer to the firms. According to the need of the customer with the metadata available with AI. The recommendations provided by the chatbots with the available metadata, the best learning module is provided for the customer which is affordable and comfortable doing a course.

The major conundrum which has been surfacing is about the human-less interaction. Will chatbots replace the people at one point of time? It is indeed a difficult question to answer at this juncture, but ethically the firms have an obligation to still believe in having the real-life customer service available to cater the needs of the customer and its own employees.

The fascination with Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been of great interest for people around the globe with its efficacy to change the way we do our work. With an application such as chatbot, the interest has gathered the momentum in the digital world expecting much more innovative and interactive applications and systems to be invented for the learning and development firms. 

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