The most cost-effective mode of communication in the digitalized world is an email which reaches the customer on a substantial scale. The old tool remains the most effective even in this digitalised world, reaching 3.8 billion in 2018 and expected to touch 4.5 billion in 2023. The learning and knowledge-based industry are looking at email marketing more than an old tool in trying to reach more customer. The targeted customer is enticed by the metadata available to customised email marketing. The email has been a mode of communication from personal to commercial purposes in all major industries. This important marketing strategy remains edged for longer and continues to make an impact. Despite the growth of instant messaging services, there hasn’t been a significant increase in the numbers projected in the global email users. The number of global e-mail users was 3.9 billion in 2019 and the projected growth is expected to be 4.48 billion users in 2024.

Marketing strategy has changed over a period and innovation has become the priority. All the possible mode of communication with the customers is keenly analysed and the focus is on trying to evolve from the existing. One such important change is witnessed in email marketing where generic marketing has been transformed into a more effective one into a customised one. A lot of metadata was used and analysed to get the best combination of personalization and automation. Such a customized marketing strategy yields more results than the generic one where the percentage of reaching the target audience is more in the customised one than the generic one.

Hyper-personalization has the potential to make a greater impact on customer experience and reaching targeted customers. They deliver personalized, targeted and contextualized emails which are only providing the relevant information. They ensure that the emails when read are treasured rather than trashed. From the analytical report on email marketing, it was discovered that on an average 51.1% of readers spend less than 2 seconds looking at the emails and over half of the opened emails are deleted within 2 seconds. The best emails via hyper-personalization have 77% of people fully read the message. According to the Research and Analytics, hyper-personalized emails improve click-through rate by 14% and conversion rates by 10%. They also claimed that 31% of consumers are more likely to make purchases if they were offered personalized experiences with customised content.

Hyper-personalization email users are more effective in using data to inform business decisions an improving customer experience. They use advanced technologies Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to analyse data. With huge metadata available, they synchronise the latest data and analyse the behaviour pattern on a real-time basis. The generic approach is transformed into a more fragmented approach understanding the customer in-depth, focusing on the thought process of the customer to deliver contextualized communication. They are more focussed on the choice of the data from the pool to be useful to target the customer wisely. Dynamic text is preferred creating an impression of personalisation. With the ever-increasing mobile user population, the focus is not only the desktop but on the mobile interface to be customer friendly. Hyper-personalization delves deep into the details of customer behaviour using, browsing history of the user in the hyper-personalization which can be helpful to send only the interesting messages in the forms of advertisement to the customer. Such messages can create a personal connection with the customer. This can cater to delivering to highly targeted customers, providing them with customized and relevant content.

One of the striking features of hyper-personalization is the ability to be stand alone as the content and the appearance, having other features in the email making it reach the targeted customer. It can consume the time since generic email doesn’t have a targeted customer, but a process of reaching out to all. The ability to be specific and not providing an ocean of information make the customised reaching more gullible. The information is very specific to cater to the need of the customer making a great interface for the learning and knowledge-based industry. When the information provided is simple and have a flow to cater to the thought process of the customer, the customer visiting the website and knowing the knowledge-based modules become more likely than a huge information available in the email.

Hyper-personalization personalises the email with your name in the email, grabbing the attention of the reader enabling the reader to read as the thought process of addressing the email. The subject is eye-catchy, offer to grab the reader’s attention with the name of the reader. Giving the information of the most preferred choice of the reader make the reader cued to the email. A triggered specific email campaign can vow the customer, based on the metadata available on his/her preferences. Wishing for the special days can make him/her feel good and he/she is more likely to visit the website whenever the emails are received. Sending an important message from the employee of the company can grab the attention of the reader. Personalised emails can add more customised/friendly interaction with the customer.

Email marketing is assured to become the most significant tool in digital marketing to reach the maximum targeted customer and sustain them for long with the hyper-personalization techniques. Hyper-personalization focuses on providing only the most pertinent content to the customer. They intend to provide the best customer experience and catering the experience for the customer to provide them with the best offer to inculcate the passion for learning and garnering the knowledge for life. With the advanced technologies and huge metadata available, the digital platform is better organised than ever before to cater to the need of the customer to provide the best service. Many steps are much expected to be floored in years to come to use the tool to the maximum limit. Hyper-personalization is certainly one such option creating many to think for the precursor to lend a new dimension of thoughts in the coming days.

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